Thursday, May 26, 2011


So its been a while, I have a boyfriend now his name is Zach and he's annoying me soooo much right now. He made it seem like I didn't wanna talk to him which couldn't b farther from the truth. Whys he so ughhhhhhful?? It's so annoying I wish that he could just like get over it for real. It's all my fault though. Awww he just made a list as to why the fight was all his fault :).i started it 2 i fought u 3 i argued 4 i wouldnt listen 5 its our 3 month this shouldnt happen 6 we should be happy but i didnt let it happen 7 i caused it 8 i kept it going 9 this fight was stupid 10i love you. He's so sweet I could never do any better than him forget all the other guys I've had in my life, he beats them all like rock beats a pair of scissors I'm so lucky to have him :)
and I'd never wanna lose him                                                      ♥Cassidy♥

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