Saturday, July 9, 2011


I really HATE my moms "husband". How I hate that title I would take it away from him if I could he doesn't deserve it he's the dumbest person alive and he doesn't even like my brother and me so, he doesnt deserve my mom... Ok so why I'm so pissed is that his high school reunion thingy is on a day that I might work so he says if I work they won't be anywhere to be found like wtf can you be any more cocky?? All he is doing is going to impress his old high school buddies and doing so show off my mom on his arm like a freaking grand prize which I think is dumb but she's fine with it. Then again she's not the brightest crayon in the box I mean she did marry my dad who was 30 yrs older than her and she was only 20 (One of the dumbest ways to waste your life I believe). Anyways, as if it couldn't get any does. Not only am I not supposed to work that friday but also the saturday's their anniversary awwhhh so sweet!!! (bleh barf...) Like wtf?! why did they even have me get a job to call in during the summer and they want me to ask for time off when it has nothing to do with me as to why I'm not going to work. Well buddy 2 words for ya, "SUCK IT" I ain't asking for those days off and if they want me to be off or just not take me then I told them they are going to have to call and tell whoever is manager that day(s) and tell them why I'm not coming to work cause I ain't about to lie when it's not in my benefit...I'm just so mad I would do anything for him to not be in our lives and I'll just say it's a good thing I don't play with knives because I wouldn't even think twice about cutting him he's dumb and I just don't like him in my life. The best thing in my life isn't mine anymore. My love, Zach,, were friends now kinda, he's working on forgiving me for something but I hate it I wish we were still together but not anymore he likes it better there than with me...I believe it just means I'm not good enough so I'm not sure what to do. I guess we just have to be friends but it sucks not gonna lie! I love him soooo much so it's hard especially since we don't talk much but it's ok I just keep moving each new day missing him and trying to work on starting up and goin for the day. There's my best friends, Hannah, Cameron, and Shilo, but idk I'm not too close with any of them besides Shilo (the rest just talk to me when they want something then it's done). Shilo texts me pretty much every day but I  gotta start picking up the slack b/c she doesn't know to text me everytime and a friendship isnt just one way there should be effort from both sides otherwise it's messed up. This helped a little bit thank god I was sooo tense at the beginning of this but now I feel calmer and not so mad but I stand by everything I said it's all true. I like writing out my feelings it's better than keeping it all bottled up inside :). The thing that bothers me the most about Gregg and mom's announcement is that I thought they were saying take the days off to make time for Adventureland and going to the zoo which were both promised for this month and I feel like everytime they make a promise lately they just break it and it sucks. I get my heart set on something and then I want it and it doesn't come when I expect it. When I attach my heart to something or someone for that matter, it really hurts to be let down and be told it's actually not going to happen :(. It's ok though I will survive and keep moving slightly bruised in the ego area and the heart....

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