Thursday, August 12, 2010

Idk How to Do This

Well I went to go see Step Up 3D and it was AWESOME and definitely epic lol. Just one thing though I went with my best friend Hannah and she was texting throughout the movie.  This isn't what got to me it was the fact that she got asked out by this boy she really liked. She has a boyfriend and they are hanging out on Sunday. Well I know she wants me to be excited about this when she shows me all the cute texts he sends her. Idk I just cant let the Cedrick thing go though me and him were getting to that point just strolling there and it just sucks that it didn't happen. So here I am back at this place I never wanted to go back to. I'm jealous of Hannah cause she's about to get everything I could ever want. She has dance, she has singing, and now she has a boyfriend. Idk how to get around this and not be jealous but I have to try cause I mean she IS my best friend. It just sucks. I have Cody but to be honest I really don't have him either he will still be seeing other girls definitely not just me. I hope she cherishes what she has cause right now she can have the world if she tries to reach out and get it. I really really hate the part that hurts me I cant even talk to my mom about because she can't know I lied to her about all that. So I have to go through all this alone and try to get through it. What I loved at the beginning of my friendships with Hannah and Alyssa was that I was better than them. That's selfish and rude but very true. I'm skinnier, I'm easier to like, and I can really make any guy look when I walk by even if its just to look I know they do. Now that doesn't matter though. They both have boyfriends so they don't need to be looked at and their attitudes aren't bad either they actually are a lot more outgoing and willing to show it. Hannah will now be recognized in the school for her dancing which she's now willing to show off to the whole school. Alyssa anyone can beat her in most departments and mostly because she doesnt care she doesn't care because she's found a way out of caring she has started smoking pot and gets  high enough to not even care anymore.  There you have it almost every one of my friends beat me at being the best person and it sucks...         ♥Cassidy♥

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