Saturday, August 14, 2010


Idk what's wrong with me but there has to be something! What really sucks is my mom's new husband in total honeymoon mode and they're gonna be like that cuz one they're married now and two they have no idea I'm going through all this. My mom seriously maybe I could consider acting as a career future because she has even not one encling that I'm going through this. It sucks that I can't tell her cause to be honest me and her, we don't keep secrets. I hate that this one is being kept from her cause she could really help but if I tell her she's married now and she tells Gregg everything even when I ask her not to so that window of communication has been closed off. I don't tell my mom secrets anymore she just blabs them because "they don't keep secrets from each other." Well she can do that but I'm now keeping secrets from her because when I tell her things it doesn't mean go out and tell Gregg a secret means DON'T TELL ANYONE and she will automatically. I guess in a way I don't trust my own mom anymore. Who do I trust? I mean I definitely wouldn't trust Mike I guess I trust my bst friend Alyssa, she knows about everything that's happened with me. She's one that I dont think will judge me and so I trust her, but I don't trust my mom anymore. The secret being kept from her though about Cedrick is tearing me up inside and i dont know what to do honestly. That's a lie I know what to do and I know that I know what to do it's just too risky so I can't cause I know she'd tell Gregg. In other news, school starts on Tuesday I wonder what couples I will see this year to be jealous of. I got super cute clothes for it though so at least I'll look cute while I envy other girls lol. Can't wait to see what else goes wrong in my life        ♥Cassidy♥

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