Saturday, October 15, 2011


Fucking Pissed OFF like no joke for real dude my fuck landlord is fuckin coming over at 8 in the morning and pounding the shit out of fuckin shit in the duplex next to me because of my old neighbors who fuckin destroyed it in there so hes putting new walls, a new bathroom, and whatever the fuck else needs replaced in that fuckin house!!!! I would like to take this time to say fuckin thank you old neighbors who fuckin looked like jesus and had some kind of fucked up motel running there having like fuckin 20 people staying the night at a time. THANK FUCKING YOU for destroying the house over there and making my landlord wake me the fuck up every morning seriously guys THANK YOU !!!!! Ugh im so fucking pissed and hahaha the best part of this my ex knew them too so im gonna thank him too THANK YOU Zach for knowing these fucking LITERAL HOMEWRECKERS that are fuckin making me not able to sleep THANK FUCKING YOU!!! I have to work in like 35m  and I've had a total of 6 hours FUNNY thats how long i fucking work today too!!!! Oh and I would like to thank Gregg for not doing a fucking thing to tell the landlord not to do it next to my fucking room and just say oh he wont listen to me hes redoing that house he'll do what he wants...WELL THEANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR DOING NOTHING AT ALL TO FUCKING MAKE HIM STOP I MEAN REALLY GREGG YOU'VE GOTTA BE MY FAVORITE PART OF THIS!!! MY FUCKING DAY IS NOW FUCKING RUINED SO THANK YOU KYLE AND THANK YOU ZACH AND THANK YOU PREVIOUS RENTERS AND THANK YOU GREGG!!!  I mean really I wouldnt've gotten here without you guys seriously it really helps me. Oh and an update on Zach hes going into the army infantry some shit like that so that era is just OVER GOOD LUCK ZACH TRY NOT TO FUCKING DIE OR DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT! Hey good news is with all this fucking anger my day can only go more downhill from here =)

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