Monday, October 17, 2011

Goin it Alone Now

Whats it feel like to have your whole world crashing down around you? It feels like tonight it feels a lot like tonight. Tonight I found out the person I trusted the most in the world I can't trust to have my back or even understand me or anything. I'm just done my mom and me were done at least I'm done telling her anything important. So my brother comes home and threatens me for telling my mom's husband about a possible drug dealing leading a threat for him getting kicked out. Well mom told Mike to back off and everything so I was like good and stayed to myself. But then after she went home I was in the kitchen and I overheard her make a phone call to the husband and she made Mike the victim! She also claimed that anything I tell him he will believe and she doesn't even have to talk to him because I tell him everything before she even has a chance to tell him. Wow this frustrated me but since I was spying I wasn't about to go all ape shit on her ass and then after she got the husband to say he'd call Mike and apologize for accusing him I was walking away and grabbed a water. Well then not even 3m later I heard her be like so yah Mike he's going to call and apologize and blah blah blah so I again went to go spy. In this convo she actually told Mike if he's gonna do anything to go back far enough in the woods so it cudnt be detected and pretty much not get caught by little miss tattle tale me. I'm so mad I've trusted her with everything, everything about pretty much all guys in my life prior to and before Zach and that's just really fucked up that she plays it like that. Well I hope she enjoys me while I'm here this shit is like done I'm not telling her anything secret I'm not telling her if I meet anyone she will be my goto for work and school and that is it. If I have any suspicions about Mike they will stay to myself. I just I can't even believe she would throw me under the bus like that apparently in her books we're only bffs when it suits her and when it doesn't anymore for the night then its like screw me and cover her ass. Well fuck that she can tell Mike, her husband, and whoever the hell else she wants to not to believe me I won't say shit to them or her. My business will stay mine and she can just go fuckin jump off a bridge for all I care Christmas can't come fast enough I need to get out of here this place sucks more than usual. I just have suspicions about pot smoking so I tell the truth and it makes me a tattle tale what the fuck ever senior year get over fast I'm done with this bullshit I'm ready to get away from my family who needs em anyways besides my sister she's usually on my side :). You know people say it's hard to go it alone I guess it's time to find out...but anyways thanks for listening whoevers out there more of my life drama next time on Cassidy's World Turns lol brothers suck sisters keep shining :)                                                                                                   Cassidy 

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