Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Day After Thanksgiving!

So I woke up Thanksgiving thinking about how the day was going to be okay and lame and suckish all day, but still I spread good cheer sent out "Happy Thinksgiving"s to all my good friends and talking lots to my bffs. My future and life got changed at exactly 1:39 am the day after Thanksgiving. My ex called me and he has changed his perspective on life he's coming back to Iowa on January 1st coincidentally the day I head back to Iowa from my vacation. This has made me change my whole perspective on things. I don't have to go to him after high school hes gonna be here with me and our relationship or lack there of, is going to be decided here. :) I don't believe I've ever been so excited for the future to get here! I want us to get back together so badly but if he doesn't feel the same as he told me on FB not even a month ago, then I'm putting my whole heart out there and either getting everything I feel in return or just passing out in failure. I watched One Tree Hill today and I heard an amazing quote on there that I felt totally connected me and him together just as I've found certain songs to like "always be my baby" or "the hardest thing" The quote was simple, but like I said so true. "If you find someone out there to give your heart to you're lucky and when you're the luckiest you also find that person will return in giving their heart to you too"I feel like me and him did give our hearts to each other and idk how he feels but I never got mine back because it still belongs to him. If I'm putting my heart out there and he's not it's going to hurt like hell, but you will never find love if you don't put your heart out there to feel love. I feel like with him coming back to town, I get to try all over again. He told me he didn't want long distance but now he's gonna be back and if he has any other excuses I'll know he's just not into me anymore but at least I'll know. My mom thinks it won't be long and we will be back together but my faith is like the wind tonight. It's going this way it's going that way and it just can't settle on one position. The love I feel for him has been there ever since he moved to North Carolina and hasn't wavered once. The heartache never went away, the would've, could've, should've's remained and now I just can't wait to see if anything happens. I just had to make a blog post about how happy I am..the sun came out when he told me the news and I just didn't get on the computer till now.The only thing for sure is that when he comes back I can't make the first move I might ask questions like I did when he was back last time, but if we get back together it'll be him doing the asking ;) That's all for now checkback for heartache or happiness only the future will decide.. :)

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