Friday, September 16, 2011

Bored Ha

So I'm just sitting here and bored so I thot I'd make a new post. Sooo I'm listening to my iPod player and its fun cuz my music is awesome ha. No one is texting me but I'm waiting to find out if I'm gonna hang with a friend they're cool and the eyes are adorable on the friend ha so it shud be cool as soon as they decide to text me. It really irritates me when someone asks if u wanna hang and then when ur ready to u just cant get ahold of them it just kinda ugs me its like wtf why ask me to hang if ur gonna do that shit ha! So school was cool i got a c on my science powerpoint over the Spinosaurus  and then in gov my teacher literally said shut up 3x so that was interesting I think it's close to impossible on pep rally day for kids to wanna learn in class rather than be at a pep rally even if it's still a period away. Economics was cool we watched 5 minutes of despicable me and then the announcements called for C wing (mine) so i prepared to something daring. Something so daring and dangerous it was like a death mission I looked right and I looked left and all I heard was chaos coming from both ends so then I dashed out the doors making sure to hide in the trees and then I did cartwheels across the street to Walgreen's...nah I didnt but how cool. wud it be if  i had i wouldve been like cat woman or something lolz. I'm a silly girl it's true but the only person my mission felt like a death mission to was me about every other kid at school can skip and not even look back. If u haven't figured it out I skipped the pep rally cuz idk call me crazy but I'm not mrs. school spirit so I dont really feel a need to go to a pep rally to see all the classmates dance around n shit itll prolly be on fb in a few days if its anything good anyways so its w.e. Wow that took 15 minutes ha Idk im lame not much to say I <3 ZLM ha idk what else to say so randomness haha.! Wait one thing thats really weird is i keep waking up in the morning and I can see zach like laying next to me and he's like good morning beautiful so i dont think thats normal and its kinda random so appropriate for this blog post haha! I love velveeta shells right now im like obsessed with them lolz! I only like pepperoni on pizza and I like thin crust! I only barf one time in the year annually! I wanna own a tan vehicle when I get older cuz why? cuz itll look sexy ha! I like to dance with my hobo! I'm so obsessed with The O.C. and Smallville that I'm gonna own all the seasons of both in sets! My head keeps randomly itching so I prolly need a shower.! My bff shilo just texted me.! I'm not having sex again till i get married.! btw these are random facts about myself ha I'm just listing randomness hahahaha ill keep goin..I love pink.! But who doesnt?! Ummmm I work at taco bell and hate eating taco bell! :) I don't like being single and I'm looking! I dance around my room listening to music every night with the door closed and I actually think I'm good ha.! I wanna cry when I think about Zach in NC because I believe he belongs here I just found him too late.! I love jujubes and I have them gone in like 2 days.! I have a suicidal best friend that I don't get to talk to anymore cuz they distance themself from evryone.! I was proposed to today as a joke but the last name actually went with my first name.! I have a papsmear set for Tuesday and I kinda don't wanna see the results cuz I've been wiping up.! I looked sexy as fuck yesterday.! :P I could use an ice cream cone right now.! I really want a boyfriend to hold me and kiss me and stuff I sometimes feel really lost without one.! I probably shudntve given a guy i just met 40 dollars to get his truck out of impound..! I make foolish choices and my bank account suffers from it.! I actually think I have a nice singing voice even tho it really sucks.! This blog post is prolly really done so it's time to end it.!

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