Thursday, September 29, 2011

Shaking MAD!!

Ok so I needed to talk about this and no one's texting back so I decided to write it on here. It's 11 at night and my brother has his tv at the level of like fuckin 45 or something and wont shut his fucking door! I decided to let it go and then I wanted to go find Lou to put him in my room with me and surprise! he was in My brother's room. Well I decided to take this opportunity to politely say turn your fucking  tv down or shut your door so he tells me that the volume is at level 5. I go to check the volume and he's up fast than u can snap ur fingers with the eyes of Satan so I was like thats exactly what I thought turn ur fuckin tv down and he says no so I go towards the buttons and then he raises a fucking fist at me so I'm getting fuckin pissed and then I watch wwe and when they start a match its both hands used to get the upper hand so i went hand-to-hand against him three times and each time more agresssion im just fuckin pissed of as fuck like wtf why cant u just turn it down so then he fuckin tries to use his shoulders and against me i about fuckin climbed on that bed and took his ass down but i held tight and just used my feet for kicking and hands to grapple with him. So then I finally gave up and was like fuck this walked out closing the door and said go to bed. He opened it and said no. I went back and shut it again he got up and opened it this time i turned around and i got that doorknob and i held on tight and shut that fuckin door then he got it in his control so then i fuckin pulled as hard as i could and i won! :) this wasn't a victory all to me tho i held tight knowing he would come back thinking i gave up. When he came back I was ready and he didnt even move the door a cm so the hes like getting cocky and tries to use his fuckin muscles and shit and gets the door a little well my hands have gotten sweaty so im forced to release and he fuckin wins. He then puts his hands on the door holding it open so i rammed into him moving him off the door to get it slightly shut he then pulls it back open so this time i use my fuckin legs to kick him and make him release ahhh i got like prolly a centimeter from his dick so he's pissed he gets that look of satan on his face and lunges at me so then i say u wanna fuckin swing at me ill swing back i can take ya so then i push his ass off the door and he swiftly turns around to keep ahold of the door and i was fuckin winded so i was like fuck it u cant hold the door forever ill get it you little fucker and head back to my room. By the time I got back to my room my fuckin hands are shaking like crazy and im pissed as fuck. This scares me idk how the fuck I'm gonna be able to take this shit for another 9 months at least. I feel like I just wanna find a gun cock it put it to his heart and pop it! I'm just so fuckin pissed i feel like i wanna do that or have mike hit me really hard and then i can call the cops saying an adult hit me and bruised me. I'm just so pissed but my bff shilo just texted me so thanks for listening and being there for me to say shit 


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