Thursday, September 15, 2011


So I talked to Zach tonight and that was great as long as it lasted he even gave me hmmm hang on let me count...3 smiley faces so thats good :). However talking to him was the high point of my night because the rest sucked. Whoever is reading this...never buy an HP Mini ive had to restore it to factory settings 3x since I've owned it and it hasnt even been a year!..I think next computer will be desktop if anything fuck dude im tired of losing all my cute pix i take of me it doesnt happen very often lmao.! Beyond Zach there's more to my love life than him or shall i say lack there of one because I've decided to close the book on that of mine until I can be with him unless he's taken. Which has actually become an option as of tonight i found out a girl has his number ha so I guess destiny will sort that out. Him giving a girl his number is great cuz it's what i want for him but also kind of embarrassing because before that I told him he's my soulmate so yahhh haha wish I would've known about the girl that kinda put myself out there more than I wanted to be....I believe he could be my soulmate but if god has another better plan for him that idk about i guess thats something well have to see about. I really wouldn't blame him if he found someone else because I've recently had a revelation and idk how he's gonna take it I mean he might not want me like he did before but I've recently decided after not having sex for 3 months or close to it since he left I like it and I'm gonna wait to have any sexual interaction until after I'm married. I just think it's for the best and if the right one can't wait till then that would make that person not the one for me. If there was one thing I could go back and change it would be to be a virgin and be proud of it. When I lost it I was silly and I had mixed ideas about masturbating where I wanted something bigger and what I really did is just throw my life into a slutty spirally mess and it just didn't help me having a relationship when it came time to at all. Anyways idk if u noticed the title but if u watched big brother this season ude know that's the very monstrous girl Danielle's saying and she got a huge shocker tonight when RACHEL WON THE GAME!!!! I'm so happy!!! :) SUCK ON THAT DANIELLE THE GIRL U TRIED TO GET OUT 5x THIS SEASON WON AND ALSO SENT UR ASS PACKING MAYBE U SHUDVE STUCK WITH THE VETERANS STUPID NASTY BITCH WHO NO ONE LIKES !!!! :) Ahhh that felt good cuz its sooo true if she hadnt left her alliance she couldve won the game but she threw them away and her enemy from that alliance won the game whatevs thats all in her face!!! :D The next part of this is really sad so get ready to cry...So my baby, Randy Orton has only held the title for a month since he earned it back from a whiny baby and then what does the very bright Smackdown general manager do? He says the winner of an over-the-top-rope battle royal will be number one contender..No one can throw Mark Henry over that rope so of course my baby now has to face him!!! :O He's doing nothing but cheap shots with chairs, his own belt and his finishing manuveur. My baby could die in this match and Mark Henry has been in the business for 15yrs as he keeps saying so why does he deserve to just wake up one day and decide he wants to be the champ when he pretty much slept the rest of his career away? He doesn't! My baby does not deserve to deal with this monstrosity and I truly believe that someone should start a petition cuz he cant have an injury Smackdown is NOTHING without my baby.. :(. Either way my prayers go out to him on this sunday at Night of Champions as well as for Kelly Kelly! She's amazing and idc who calls her a barbie doll she ain't fake and she's kept the title just as she will sunday the divas just need to face theyre jealous thats she's pretty and a champ and that's just something you gotta deal with in life sometimes. Of course always Cenation but he don't need my prayers that little car renting mexican don't stand a chance against Cena so I won't even think about that. But I will be watching results on FB :) TV's my life until I get my life truly started or I hang with any certain someones :). My life will never be truly started till I'm surrounded by four walls and mom is not in anyway on the side of them be that here or in NC. I look forward to starting my future as I believe it can have a potential to be great as long as me and Zach end up together and if not if we both find great people to be with (but i hope it's Zach xD) Well I think that's about it I lay down in like a half an hour and i gotta pee so yep that's all btw i really appreciate anyone who reads this and even if not at least there's someone I share all my feelings with when no one else will talk to me if I were to say this to most people they'd just say yeah or oh or something like that lol it's alright tho at least I have a soapbox somewhere ;)

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